Organizer of Dracula Tours and Halloween in Transylvania is Transilvania Live SRL.

The company was founded in 2004.

Tour organizer licence number: 112.

Licence name: Transylvania Live – Dracula Tours and Halloween in Transylvania

Registration: J12/2918/2004

Unique code 16676719

Agency’s insure against bankruptcy risk: 51685

Owner: Hertha Todea

Transylvania Live – Bank Accounts


RON :RO61 RNCB 0110 0017 9799 0002

Licence / Insurance Policy for Halloween Tours

Halloween Tours SRL

The company was founded in 2019

Tour organizer licence number: 1729

Registration: J12/415/2019

Unique code: 40568248

Office Address
Razboieni Street, no. 31A, first floor, zip code: 401189
Turda, Cluj county, Romania, European Union


Transylvania Live SRL is part of Transylvania Live holding that includes:
Transylvania Live expert in Transylvania SRL- reseller travel agency

Halloween Tours SRL – tour operator specialized in Halloween tours all over the world

Rent Helicopters SRL- air charter broker

Activitati Cadou SRL- activity gift vouchers business

Adventure Motorcycle Tours SRL- organizer travel agency specialised in motorcycle tourism

More about us:

Transylvania Live’s guides
Press about Dracula Tours
Responsible Travel Policy
Transylvania Live team
Contact us